Staff Augmentation vs. Outsourcing: Choosing the Right Model for Your Business

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In today's ever-changing business environment, companies and organizations frequently find themselves at a loss for ideas on how to hire the best people for their IT initiatives. Two common strategies to do this, each having unique advantages and drawbacks, are staff augmentation and outsourcing. It's critical to evaluate and contrast these models to ascertain which one best suits your company's requirements, before making a final choice. In this blog, with an emphasis on staff augmentation services offered by super-experienced IT staff augmentation service providers like Gate6, we examine the advantages, difficulties, and appropriate scenarios for both staff augmentation and outsourcing in this article.


When talking of an organization or a business, contracting an external service provider to oversee and carry out a project in its entirety or just a portion of it is known as outsourcing. The project is managed by the outsourcing provider, frequently for a set fee, from planning and execution until delivery.

Staff Augmentation:

This is an adaptable strategy that involves an organization hiring more qualified experts to support their current internal staff. These experts, who are frequently supplied by IT staff augmentation companies like Gate6, work directly under the client's management, integrating seamlessly into their work environment.

Benefits of Staff Augmentation and Outsourcing:

  1. Staff augmentation, provided by staff augmentation service providers like Gate6, allows companies to quickly access specialized skills and expertise when needed. This approach is particularly beneficial for short-term projects or for filling gaps in skills that may be lacking in the existing team. In the case of outsourcing, the company can offload the entire project to an external team thereby working with a smaller workforce and reducing internal and administrative burdens.

  2. With staff augmentation, the client retains control over project management and decision-making, ensuring alignment with their business objectives and company culture. However, in the case of Outsourcing, companies can focus on their core competencies and strategic initiatives, ultimately improving overall efficiency.

  3. Staff Augmentation Service providers like Gate6, help companies manage their costs more effectively by only paying for the additional resources as and when they are required. There are no long-term commitments or overheads associated with full-time employees. Outsourcing however comes with a fixed cost, making budgeting and financial planning more straightforward, with no surprises in terms of payroll, benefits, or administrative costs.

Challenges of Staff Augmentation:

  1. Integrating augmented staff provided by Staff Augmentation Service providers, into an existing team can sometimes present challenges related to communication, team dynamics, and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Short-term augmentation service staff can also sometimes be the cause of internal conflicts among permanent and augmented staff.

  2. Managing multiple contracts long and short, managing overheads for augmented staff and then their payroll can quickly add up administrative overhead, although IT staff augmentation companies like Gate6 often assist in this regard.

  3. Relying on external providers and IT staff Augmentation companies for specialized skills can sometimes create dependency, which may be a concern for long-term projects. Most staff augmentation service providers however ensure that this is not the case though and have provisions for permanent staff inductions as well.

Challenges of Outsourcing:

  1. Outsourcing requires handing over the project controls to an external company. This can form the base for trust breaches because a lot of information about a business organization and its work falls / can fall into the hands of prying eyes. Companies need to trust the outsourcing provider to deliver results according to the agreed-upon terms.

  2. Depending on where and to whom the project is outsourced, Time zone differences, language barriers, and cultural differences can sometimes lead to communication challenges that impact project coordination and outcomes.

  3. External factors have a lot of say in outsourced projects. While outsourcing may have its benefits, it also may involve longer project timelines due to factors like coordination with external teams, language barriers, geolocation barriers, time zone differences and other potential delays.

Suitable Scenarios for Staff Augmentation and Outsourcing

Staff augmentation is ideal in scenarios where a company requires temporary expertise or additional resources to meet project deadlines or address skills gaps. Experienced and popular IT staff augmentation service providers like Gate6 say that Staff Augmentation is particularly useful for businesses looking to maintain control over their projects while accessing specialized skills on an as-and-when-needed basis.

Outsourcing on the other hand is an excellent choice for businesses looking to offload entire projects or parts of a project to external teams. It is particularly advantageous when cost and / or overheads need to be kept low and team sizes need to be kept at a minimum with a primary focus on In-Office core competencies.

That being said, the choice between staff augmentation and outsourcing should be driven by your specific project requirements, objectives, and internal capabilities.


In conclusion, the choice between staff augmentation and outsourcing depends on your unique business needs and project requirements. IT staff augmentation companies like Gate6 can provide invaluable expertise and talent, while outsourcing offers a turnkey solution for specific projects. By carefully assessing your objectives and evaluating the benefits and challenges of each model, you can make an informed decision that best aligns with your business goals.